Nailsea Foodbank
If you can’t afford food, you can call 0808 2082138 (freephone) to speak to a trained and independent Citizens Advice agent (Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm), or call 01934 836200 to speak to North Somerset Citizens Advice who will be able to issue you with a food bank voucher if necessary.
Food Parcel collection and donation drop off
St Andrews Church, Old Church Road, Clevedon BS21 7UF
Mondays and Fridays between 9.30 am – 11.30 am.
There is a large car park at the rear of the building. Please come into the building prior to bringing any donations in. We will then be able to advise you on where they need to go.
Please note that school lunch bags can still be collected from the foodbank warehouse Unit 1 Knowles Road Clevedon BS21 7XS on Mondays and Fridays between 9.30 am – 11.30 am. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS ONLY
Portishead and Nailsea Foodbank are currently open and will continue to operate as usual.
Nailsea Foodbank:-Open Fridays between 12.30 pm – 2.30 pm
Southfield Church 85 Southfield Road Nailsea BS48 1SB
Tel: 07927472649